
About Me

This year my husband and I moved to "Mayberry". . . or at least as close as one can get.  The town is small, everyone knows everyone, there's no crime to speak of, and everyone we've met has been friendly.
Our Mountain View

We are trying to live as holistically healthy as possible.  Eventually we would like to get to the point where we make or grow the majority of our food. Above all I have been cutting out all food preservatives and artificial flavors.   Reading The Omnivore's Dilemma and In Defense of Food along with watching Food Inc. and Seeds of Death have validated a lot of my beliefs about food and caused me to make some changes in our diet. I wouldn't say that we have ever had a horrible diet.  In fat we eat pretty healthy but there is always room for improvement.

Some of Michael Pollan's rules that I have held fast to from his book In Defense of Food are as follows:

Rule #1: "Don't eat anything your great grandmother wouldn't recognize."

Rule #2: "Don't eat anything incapable of rotting (ex. Twinkies)".

Rule #3: "Avoid food products containing ingredients that are:
              a.) unfamiliar
              b.) unpronounceable
              c.) include corn syrup"

Rule #4: "Avoid food products that make health claims."
(In order for a food product to have a health claim, it has to have a package.)

Rule #5: "Eat Food- Mostly Plants"
(although we have a lot of wild game, which is extremely healthy and not anywhere near the same as "feed-lot" beef)

Rule #6: "Eat well-grown food from healthy soils (ex. organic)"

Rule #7: "Eat less and slowly."

Rule #8: "Cook & if you can, plant a garden"
(Already have been following #8 for a long time now.)
Our smaller than usual garden this year. It will be at least double what it is next year.  I can't wait to harvest our many Heirloom varieties!

My goal for my blog is to include recipes that follow rules 1-5 as much as possible and to make everything homemade--- from scratch. 

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