Saturday, September 7, 2013

Coffee House Drinks Like Starbucks (Truly the Best!)

Make coffee house drinks (Mochas, Lattes, Frappuccinos)just like Starbucks at home.

 I will always love and support Starbucks, but going there frequently is not that practical.  For starters, it can be quite an expense.  Additionally, the closest Starbucks to me is an hour away, so it is definitely not convenient to go on a regular basis.  For these reasons I like to view Starbucks as a treat when we happen to go to the city or on a road trip.  In order to support my coffee habit, I brew my own coffee at home and make my own espresso drinks.

I have spent the past ten years or so making coffee house drinks at home trying to mimic Starbucks drinks and have perfected the recipes.  This post will be a work in progress, because I am sure there are other drinks that I haven't thought of at the moment that need to be included.  Additionally it will take some time to put up all of the drinks that I know how to make at this time.  Please contact me with any requested drinks that I may have left out and I will put the recipes up for you.

All of the recipes are easy to make.  The other day I timed how long it takes to make a regular iced mocha.  Including the time it took to gather all of the ingredients, make the espresso, make the mocha, put the ingredients away, and put the measuring utensils in the sink, it took me 4.5 minutes.  This is far less time than it takes to drive a nearby coffee house (assuming you don't live as far away as I do), order the drink, wait for them to make it, and pay.   If you want fancier drinks, they will take a little more time and possibly prep time if you want to make certain drinks.

Tips for Making Espresso:

To make the espresso I have found several tips to yield the best results. I also admit that I tend to break some of the rules... I am sure that it makes some difference, but not enough to make a tragic cup of coffee.

Tamper for Espresso
1.  Make sure that you use espresso roast and espresso ground coffee.  If you are grinding your own espresso it should look like the consistency of sugar.  (If it is too coarse of a grind, the water will just pass through.  If it is too fine, like powder, then it will come out too bitter.)

2. When putting the grounds into the filter basket, fill to the desired measure and really press and compact the grounds with the back of the measuring spoon. They make a device called a tamper.  Maybe someday I will break down and buy it.  I am sure that it works far better and is far easier than using the measuring spoon, but I just haven't felt the need to spend money on one. Compacting the grounds really makes a big difference in the quality of the espresso. When I first started out making espresso, I did not know that you needed to do this.  I just filled the filter basket like I did for my regular coffee machine--- loosely.  My espresso came out really watery and weak.  Compacting the grounds will prevent this.

3. Water quality is always important when making any kind of coffee.  I have a water filter built into my sink and I just use that water.  A lot of people talk about the importance of using purified water and I think it is because it removes chlorine and other impurities.  We don't have chlorine or fluoride or anything in our water because we have well water (awesome well water, in fact).  I know in the past I used regular tap water and it seemed fine to me, but espresso connoisseurs will probably cringe.

4. Fresh coffee is always preferred. . .even better freshly ground coffee.  Here again, I break one of the cardinal great espresso making rules.  I don't live close to a store.  The closest store for organic coffee beans is an hour away.  The closest store for conventional coffee beans is 30-40 minutes away.  I buy my organic coffee in bulk and I use the store's grinder, which means by the end of the supply, it is not fresh nor freshly ground.  A coffee grinder is on my list of things to eventually buy, but has not hit the priority list yet.  I use old ground coffee and I am still rather happy.

5.  You don't really need an expensive espresso machine either.  I have been using the cheapest machine for years with stellar results. 

Syrup vs. Powder

You can technically use chocolate syrup for all of the mocha recipes (hot or iced), I have found that I prefer the unsweetened cocoa powder and sugar for the hot drinks and chocolate syrup for the cold ones.  The cocoa powder and the sugar do not work too well for the iced, because it tends to become separated.

The Case for Homemade Syrups

Any store-bought syrups can be used if desired.  I tend to use pure extracts when I can for flavoring instead of the flavored syrups (such as Torani) that you can buy.  I personally find the syrups too sweet when you combine them with other syrups like chocolate.  Some of them contain corn syrup (not Torani- thankfully they use cane sugar instead), potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate, and the "sugar free" contain artificial sweeteners.  When I can't get an extract I make homemade syrups instead (the recipes I have posted).

I find that my homemade chocolate syrup recipe is superior to anything purchased and doesn't contain any odd ingredients like Potassium sorbate (preservative); Mono- and Diglycerides; Xanthan gum; Polysorbate 60; Vanillin; Artificial flavor or Corn Syrup. Homemade chocolate syrup is thick and rich and oh so chocolatey.  If you make it once, you'll have a hard time wanting anything different.


Regular Mocha

1 1/2 T unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 T sugar
1 c warmed milk
2 shots of espresso
Whipped Cream (optional)

1. Make espresso.

2. To your mug add the cocoa powder and sugar.

 3.Pour in the two shots of hot espresso.  Mix until dissolved.

4. Next pour in warmed milk and stir well to combine.

5. Top with whipped cream and a sprinkling of cocoa powder if desired.



Chocolate-Orange Variation: 

Add 1/8 t orange extract to the cocoa and espresso stirring well (before pouring in the milk). 
To decorate top with orange sauce (click here for recipe), if desired.

Chocolate-Raspberry Variation: 

Add 1/8 t raspberry extract to the cocoa and espresso stirring well (before pouring in the milk). 

Peppermint Mocha Variation: 

Add 1/8 t peppermint extract to the cocoa and espresso stirring well (before pouring in the milk). Add 1/4 t if you want it more minty than chocolatey.

Mounds Bar Mocha (Coconut Mocha) Variation:

Add 1/8 t coconut extract to the cocoa and espresso stirring well (before pouring in the milk). 
To decorate top with toasted coconut and a drizzle of chocolate syrup, if desired. 

Black Forest Mocha Variation

Add 1 1/2 T cherry syrup (click here for recipe) to the cocoa and espresso stirring well (before pouring in the milk). 
To decorate top with a drizzle each of cherry and chocolate syrup and a cherry.

Cinnamon Mocha Variation

Add 1/4 t cinnamon to the cocoa and espresso stirring well (before pouring in the milk).
To decorate top with a sprinkling of additional cinnamon. 

Milky Way (Caramel Mocha)

Add 1 T of caramel to the cocoa and espresso stirring well (before pouring in the milk).  Instead of cocoa powder you can add 2 T chocolate syrup.  To decorate top with whipped cream and a sprinkling of cocoa powder.

Regular Iced Mocha

2 T chocolate syrup (see recipe here for homemade)
1 c milk
2 shots espresso
Whipped cream (optional)

1. Make espresso.
2. To a tall glass add chocolate syrup and 2 shots of espresso.  Mix well.
3. Pour in milk and stir together.
4. Add ice
5. Top with whipped cream, if desired.
Iced Chocolate Orange Mocha

Iced Chocolate-Orange Variation (This one is my absolute favorite!)

Add 1/8 t to chocolate syrup and espresso in step 2.
Decorate with whipped cream and orange syrup (click here for recipe), if desired. 

Iced Black Forest Variation

Add 1 1/2 T cherry syrup (click here for recipe) to chocolate syrup and espresso in step 2.
Decorate with whipped cream, a drizzle of chocolate and cherry syrup, and top with a cherry, if desired.

Iced Black Forest Mocha








Iced Mounds Bar (Coconut Mocha) Variation
Iced Mounds Bar (Coconut Mocha)

 Add 1/8 t coconut extract to chocolate syrup and espresso in step 2.
Decorate with whipped cream, toasted coconut, and  a drizzle of chocolate syrup, if desired.

Iced Peppermint Mocha Variation

Add 1/8 t peppermint extract to chocolate syrup and espresso in step 2. 
Top with whipped cream and a sprinkling of cocoa powder or chocolate shavings, if desired.

Iced Cinnamon Mocha Variation

Add 1/4  t cinnamon to chocolate syrup and espresso in step 2.
Top with whipped cream and additional cinnamon, if desired. 

Iced Raspberry Mocha Variation

Add 1/8 t raspberry extract to chocolate syrup and espresso in step 2.
Top with whipped cream and a sprinkling of cocoa power of chocolate shavings, if desired.

Iced Milky Way (Caramel Mocha) Variation

Add 1 T caramel sauce to chocolate syrup and espresso in step 2.  Top with whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate and caramel sauce, if desired.


**According to Wikipedia outside of Italy a Cafe Latte typically has 1/2 inch thick foam, whereas a cappuccino  has 3/4 inch thick foam.  I don't measure.  I don't really care enough to measure.  I just pour in however much I want or make at the time. 

 Pumpkin Spice Latte (like Starbucks)

This latte is so incredibly good. . . I have a hard time making anything else.  It is the perfect coffee for fall. There's nothing like sitting on the porch swing in the cool crisp autumn air, sipping on a Pumpkin Spice Latte. 

 Pumpkin Spice Syrup (makes 1/2 c)

1/2 c sugar
1/4 c water
1/2 T pumpkin pie spice*

1. Make simple syrup by bringing water to a boil.  Then add sugar and stir constantly until it dissolves completely.  (The liquid will turn completely clear)
2. As soon as the sugar is completely dissolved, remove from heat and stir in pumpkin pie spice until mixed throughout.  The syrup will thicken once it is cool.

 *Pumpkin Pie Spice Recipe

If you don't have pumpkin pie spice, you can easily make it.  This recipe makes 2 Tablespoons worth. 
3 t cinnamon 
3/4 t nutmeg
3/4 t ground ginger
1/4 t + 1/8 t ground cloves

Pumpkin Spice Latte

2 T Pumpkin Spice syrup
1-2 shots espresso (depending on whether you want a single or a double)
1 c steamed milk (using milk frother attachment)

1. Make espresso
2. Put syrup into the cup and add espresso. Stir well to blend.
3. Steam milk with frother attachment and pour milk in first followed by foam.  I use a spoon to hold back the foam while pouring the milk.**
4. Sprinkle top with additional pumpkin spice, if desired. 

Vanilla Latte

2 T vanilla syrup (like Torani or Da Vinci Gourpet or homemade click here for recipe)
1-2 shots espresso (depending on whether you want a single or a double)
1 c steamed milk (using milk frother attachment)

1. Make espresso
2. Put syrup into the cup and add espresso. Stir well to blend.
3. Steam milk with frother attachment and pour milk in first followed by foam.  I use a spoon to hold back the foam while pouring the milk.**


Frappuccinos may take a little more time, but they are well worth it. It may take a little planning in advance to make and chill the espresso and crush the ice if your blender doesn't crush ice or you don't have an ice maker that offers crushed ice (we still use ice cube trays).  If you have everything prepared ahead of time, the process is extremely fast. . . about as fast as your local coffee shop can make them.  I have never personally made frappuccinos with anything other than whole milk, but I don't see why it wouldn't work with other kinds of milk or dairy substitutes.

Mocha Frappuccino 

1 1/2 c crushed ice
3/4 c whole milk
2 T sugar
2 T chocolate syrup
2 shots (1 oz) espresso
whipped cream (optional)
additional chocolate syrup (optional)

I find that it works better to first blend all of the ingredients except the crushed ice, then add the ice and blend until smooth and mixed completely.  Serve with whipped cream and additional chocolate syrup, if desired. So easy and so good!

Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino

Follow the Mocha Frappuccino recipe and add 1/8 - 1/4 t peppermint extract, depending on how minty you want it to be.

I will be adding additional coffee drinks as soon as I possibly can.  Please send any requests to me if there is a latte, mocha, frappuccino or other coffee drink that you are craving and I will put the recipe up for you.

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